Have you ever had the idea that when reading some of these computer magazines that they present great stuff for the office, but not a whole lot about how to use them in the shop? Well I have and I think it's about time the situation is rectified. I am addressing these words to those of us who have about 1,500 square feet of manufacturing space, a maximum of 5 employees, a maximum of 5 years in business, and doing business under the umbrella of the military and/or aerospace establishment-MIL-STD-45208. In other words, you are growing, you are very close to day-to-day operations, you still fight the battle of receivables, you are still making payments for all of the CNC equipment on the floor, and you are totally swamped with all of that nice paperwork needed
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to comply with the MIL-STD's and QC/QA. At this point, I am going to make another assumption: you have an Apple II series computer or possibly some Tandy equipment. Maybe at the far end of the stick, you are doing all of the paper work by hand and you are not getting much sleep...have you checked your blood pressure lately?
Go buy a Mac
You read that right; go spend some of that money the company's been earning, but instead of putting the Mac in the shop right then and there, take it home and play with it for two